90 MINUTES £85

Simply put, Matrix Reimprinting is a technique that connects people with their past traumas and core beliefs and elegantly enables them to transform them into supportive platforms for their lives. Whereas EFT is like watching a movie, matrix re-imprinting is like being in a play.

Why do belief systems and our past traumas matter? The power of our belief systems is undoubtable. Our beliefs shape our thoughts, provide fuel for our emotional reactions and shape our reality. If we can change our beliefs, well, we can change anything!
Think about the placebo effect in science. The power of a ‘fake’ sugar pill has been proved thousands of times. It is our belief in the placebo that enables us to heal ourselves. What do you believe about yourself? Do you believe you are good looking? Healthy? Weak? Is the world a safe or dangerous place? Our beliefs are the glasses of which we view life through. We have thousands of them which we hold in our subconscious mind. Many will be supportive, but we will also have formed beliefs from past events in our lives that can create a whole host of problems.

What is the subconscious mind? 
You have two minds. The conscious mind is the one that is conscious of itself, the one we make our New Year goals with, it holds our wishes and desires, it’s creative and not time-dependent. The subconscious on the other hand contains all the programmes of everything you’ve ever learnt; from brushing your teeth, walking, making a phone call to the programmes of whether it feels safe to be in a romantic relationship, or if a certain animal has a reaction attached to it (phobia). Will power alone does not change these programmes and beliefs. A traumatic event is live in the subconscious. Science now proves that our subconscious mind is 95% more powerful than the conscious mind. Matrix Reimprinting is a bridge between the two minds and has helped thousands of people find the root causes of old patterns and beliefs by re-imprinting events that are stored in their subconscious.

What exactly is re-imprinting?
The word re-imprint comes from the psychological term ‘imprinting’ which is when a child imprints a situation or learning into their memory which then goes on to create a belief. I’m sure you can think of a time when you imprinted something into your mind...an argument, a special trip, a moment of clarity as a child. 
You can re-imprint past events and beliefs so that they no longer cause a current day reaction. 

Why re imprint? How is this going to help me today? Think of your subconscious mind like Google. When you are reminded of a past event or a belief system is prevalent it is due to the past events that are stored there. It’s long been known that we form beliefs and patterns through past traumas. This is nothing new in the world of psychotherapy; that we are a product of our past learning and the events we have lived through. If you want to rewire a certain behaviour or belief then by changing the pictures and what your Google mind brings up in a search, you will have a different reaction in the current day.

But you still haven’t explained the Matrix?
In 1950, Max Planck the Grandfather of Quantum Theory and Einstein’s predecessor announced that there is an invisible matrix of energy that connects us all. We already know that matter is not solid but everything is made from vibrating atoms, but Planck took it one step further and informed the world that we are, all connected. Fast forward 60 years and you’ll hear this message of connection and oneness across the globe. All layers or fields of the Matrix interconnect with each other. You have your personal matrix which holds all the information about you, this then stretches out into the family, the cultural and the universal.
Layers of information are held in the different layers of the matrix and when we get to the personal, we can see that the memories we hold are stored in our subconscious mind. Remember the subconscious mind is not time dependent so it is running like a current event - no wonder it can trigger us in the current day.

How does re-imprinting old traumas and beliefs in the matrix change my life now? You know you are an energy system and therefore you will be giving off a vibration. This can be a vibration of joy, love, abundance or perhaps more like fear, powerlessness or even boredom. Your vibration is what you are emitting and just like a magnet this is what you will be attracting back into your reality. This is the law of attraction. 

Over the last decade there have been a plethora of self-help books and gurus stepping forward and claiming that they can show you how to truly invoke the Law of Attraction, but you are the only person who can do this. How? You must find out what is in your vibrational frequency, your belief system to see what you are attracting, and to do this, you need to find out what is in your database of stored programmes and beliefs, these emotional memories in your uber powerful mind - the subconscious.

Matrix Reimprinting finds those beliefs and elegantly evolves them to create a platform in your life. Once you’ve woken up to it, there is no going back. (Karl Dawson) Melanie is a qualified and experienced Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner.

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For appointments or information:

You are welcome to email or call direct should you have any queries or wish to make an appointment